– Closing Points Q –

Cameron “CAM” Stone

Q.1 The big question here was why did Cameron Stone put himself in the middle of a racist incident that never happened?

Q.2 It sounds a lot like the time, Jessie Smollett made a deliberate false statement that two men yelled racist and homophobic slurs at him, kicked him, poured bleach on him, put a noose around his neck, and told him, “This is MAGA country.”

Q.3 The alleged incident drew the support of a number of politicians and celebrities. Within days, the police suspected that Jessie Smollett was not being truthful, and within weeks the Chicago Police said at a press conference that the actor “took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career.”

Q.4 Is that what we have here at Thorold Secondary School? A teacher, Cameron Stone thought that by making a false racist statement about correcting am imaginary racist incident was going to help promote his career? Or was he willing to lying because he was afraid he might lose his career?

Q.5 Remember when Janice Sargeant approached him about the incident with the racist Caucasian student for that day. Janice Sargeant had no idea what time it happened, or what teachers was present in the room at the time. So she had no chose but to approach both teachers (Kevin Elzinga and Cameron Stone) about that day and ask what they knew about the racist incident.

Q.6 Theory one – If Cameron Stone would have just stated that “I did not hear anything, so I cannot comment on it.” What else could be said? But he did not, because he was worried that if it did happen in his class and he did not hear it, he could be fired.

Q.7 So Cameron Stone was afraid that the applicant was going to say the racist incident happen during his time in the classroom. So he fabricated a racist lie to try and protect himself. Therefore he started to try and leveraging his Caucasian complexion, professional reputation, position of authority and age, against a black student if need be.

Q.8 Meaning if the applicant was to have said it happened during Cameron Stone time in class, he had laid the ground work that he did address it, despite the applicant say he did not.

Q.9 The absolute hilarious aspect of this story is that the incident did not occur during his time in the classroom, therefore his effort to use a racist lie against a black student, regarding an anti-black incent was a deliberate lie. His own lie literally fell apart right in front of him, destroying any credibility he believed his Caucasian privilege granted him. Cameron Stone is a proven liar!

Q.10 Theory Two, and/or did Cameron Stone purposefully lied to invent the Hero/Good Samaritan Routine. Cameron Stone clearly objectified the actual racial incident from that day as a means to enhance his own self-interest!

Q.11 Was he trying to demonstrate to Janice Sargeant how terrific of an employee he was, in contrast to the prejudiced community and culture at the DSBN? He wasn’t going to stand for racism in his classroom?

Q.12 And now see and understand how dangerous school board employees like Jacqueline Ravazzolo, Kevin Maddalena and Cameron Stone really are! There are willing to lie on what appears to be just about anything in an attempt to protect themselves or co-workers.

Q.13 Instead of Cameron Stone just saying that “I did not hear anything like that.” and leave it at that. He decided to fabricate and include himself into the racist conversation via a lie that never happened.

Q.14 Sounds a lot like Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena’s plan to destroy the Black student’s credibility. Cameron Stone was more than willing to make the Black child/student look like he was crying wolf for attention.

Q.15 Cameron Stone was willing to destroy any future relationship that the applicant and himself would have had in the future when the applicant had to attend his class. Cameron Stone was willing to lie upon the applicant, like Kevin Maddalena. Then when the applicant eventually had to attend his class, he would sit at the front of the class knowing very well that the applicant knew he has lied to protect himself.

Q.16 Cameron Stone was set to flaunt his Caucasian complexion, professional reputation, position of authority and age against a Black student recollection of events. Cameron Stone was willing to use any tool at his disposal to discredit and undermined the Black applicant even if the accusations the applicant stated are true.

Q.17 Cameron Stone was willing to lie without concern for how the applicant in the end would look or feel. Cameron Stone was even willing to lie about racism in order to get away with a fabricated event. Because he thought it was the best way to protect his job. It is that plain, and it is that simple!

Q.18 The bully Cameron Stone was willing to create a racist incident in a school board with a long culture of racism, adding to the already existing tensions, because he thought he had missed something and wanted to protect his ass by inventing a falsehood that was unnecessary!

Q.19 And this is the culture of the DSBN community. This is the third time we’ve witnessed a Caucasian DSBN employee try to disparage and undermine the credibility of the Black applicant by leveraging their Caucasian complexion, professional reputation, position of authority and age.

Q.20 And once again let us quickly look at the mandate requires that school board employees must follow.


Q.21 Cameron Stone DID:

• engage in bullying behaviors, including cyberbullying;
• engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behavior motivated by hate or bias

Teachers and other school staff

Q.22 Under the leadership of their principals, Cameron Stone must maintain a positive learning environment and is expected to hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behavior. As a role model, Cameron Stone must uphold these high standards when they:

  • help students work to their full potential and develop their sense of self-worth
  • empower students to be positive leaders in their classroom, school, and community
  • maintain consistent and fair standards of behavior for all students
  • demonstrate respect for one another, all students, parents, volunteers, and other members of the school community

Q.23 Does anyone at this point seriously believe that Cameron Stone lied with the intent to help the applicant work to his full potential and develop his sense of self-worth?

Q.24 Does anyone at this point seriously believe that Cameron Stone lied with the intent to empower the applicant to be positive leader in his classroom, school and community?

Q.25 Does anyone at this point seriously believe that Cameron Stone’s lie demonstrates respect for the applicant, other Black students, their parents, and other racialized members of the school community?

Q.26 The answer to all these questions is NO!

Q.27 In order to make it abundantly evident to Cameron Stone and everyone else inside the DSBN and its racist culture that deliberate acts of this kind are appalling and will not be tolerated in any form against any student who is racialized and their parents. Cameron Stone must face severe financial penalties from HRTO.

Q.28 Cameron Stone must understand that his willful discrimination and prejudice actions against the applicant, his family and the Black community are unacceptable. That a Black child/student and his family and potentially the Black community suffered emotional anguish, fury and frustration as a result of his discriminatory activities to protect himself.

Q.29 If the HRTO is truly committed to ending racism in our school boards and schools, it must impose serious financial penalties that make it abundantly evident that creating racism false incidents to protect your self-interest within our school boards and schools is no longer acceptable anymore. That Cameron Stone trying to use/play a race card for his own benefits is far beyond stepping over the line of common decency!