– Closing Points F –


F.1 “One of the more complex forms of discrimination is systemic or institutional discrimination. Systemic discrimination refers to policies or practices that appear to be neutral on their surface but that may have discriminatory effects on individuals based on one or more Code grounds.

Systemic discrimination can overlap with other kinds of discrimination, such as harassment, and may arise from stereotypes and biases. The definition of systemic discrimination used by the Commission includes the following three elements:

  • patterns of behavior, policies or practices
  • part of the social or administrative structures of an organization
  • position of relative disadvantage created for persons identified by the Code.
  • People can experience systemic discrimination differently based on the intersection of various grounds of discrimination, such as gender, disability, place of origin, and so on.

The following three considerations can be used to identify and address systemic discrimination:

  • numerical data
  • policies, practices and decision-making processes
  • organizational culture

Use these three elements as a basis for actively monitoring for systemic discrimination and measures to address it”– The Ontario Human Rights Commission

F.2 Fines are a part of life. Policies usually utilize financial penalties and other deterrents to discourage undesirable actions such speeding, littering or tax evasion. Their reasoning is based on the idea that attaching a financial penalty to a certain activity will make it less desirable and less likely to be recommitted. Numerous studies and investigations have explored the effects of penalties on individuals with varying economic levels. These studies regularly show that penalties have little effect on the rich and disproportionately burden the poor.

F.3 If the HRTO is truly committed to ending racism in our school boards and schools at the hands organizations like the DSBN, it must impose SERIOUS financial penalties that make it abundantly evident that racism in our school boards and schools is no longer acceptable anymore—or else you and your employees will be held financial accountable!

F.4 It is evident that the DSBN has been actively and knowingly discriminating against racialized individuals for nearly twenty years. Although Warren Hoshizaki chose to carry this racist, misandry, prejudice and discriminatory touch, as we all know. It was already been in use long before his arrival. Regretfully, the internet only goes back so far and gather evidence became significantly and practically impossible at that point.

F.5 The DSBN’s discriminatory, racist and bias behavior is the foundation for the culture of the DSBN workforce. Since the 1960’s, equality and racism has been an issue within society, the government and public organization. And one cannot imagine that even in this day and age, some 60+ years later. “Racism still exists in the DSBN” school system that pretends to preach about equality, diversity and acceptance.

F.6 For a school board such as the DSBN, which pretends to honor the ageless music of Bob Marley and commemorates the events of Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King Jr. not even in February. They are more than willing to ignore the rights of racialized individuals and children/students of color in regards to jobs, education and advancements. The same racialized individuals who pay taxes, which finance this years $484,913,491 yearly budget.

F.7 Since the DSBN does not mandate special education or specialized teaching in order to address racism within its school board. In terms of dealing with racism, they are no different from any other public school board.

F.8 The Peel District School Board, which has been exposed for its racist practices and systemic inequities, is one example of a school board that does not differ.


F.9 And after almost 20 years of discriminatory activities. The Turner Consulting Group was able to expose the DSBN’s misandry, racism and bigotry hiring and promoting practices. Hence why the DSBN has consistently disregarded the rules and regulations that both the Ontario government and they themselves have imposed for such things like the applicant’s situation. Which once more always seemed to favor Caucasian offenders/bullies in a convenient fashion?

F.10 Could you picture what would happen if one of their children had these same experiences? It would be amazing how much Fire and Brimstone and Wrath would be brought down and raised to defend the rights THEIR child! However, when they violate the human rights of someone else child, maybe your child? Well, it’s not as significant as it once was.

F.11 The discriminatory actions of the DSBN and their co-defendants stand as obvious as they never properly investigated, resolved or even acknowledged the parents concerns. Nor have the DSBN and their co-defendants ever show any form of sympathy or apology for what had happened to Black applicant/child/student while attending their school system.

F.12 Instead, they consistently choose to ignore the parents and the circumstances of the racist events. While the DSBN has continuously pretended for over two years to be against racism within their school board while supporting the racist acts of Caucasian students, bullies and their employees.

F.13 Remember that numerous studies and investigations have explored the effects of penalties on individuals with varying economic levels. These studies regularly show that penalties have little effect on the rich and disproportionately burden the poor. So organizations like the DSBN will only learn to correct their behavior when they are forced into paying serious financial penalties. There is a saying, that Money Talks and Bullshit Walks. And that is the case here.

F.14 Making the DSBN pay NO LESS than $1,500,000 to the applicant (son) equates to 0.30933353% of their overall budget. And $750,000 to each parent and sibling which is equivalent to 0.77333382 of their total budget. This equals to just over seventy seven percent, of one percent of their entire budget.

F.15 Despite the constant misinformation presented on the DSBN websites, and Organizational Whiteness committees. The DSBN never gave a damn about equity and fairness when it came to the applicant and what he was enduring. Everything they expressed in on their websites and meetings was essentially hollow platitudes without any real substance.

F.16 The DSBN and its racism and discrimination-filled culture were obviously aware of their wrong doings to the applicant, which is why they made such a strong effort to ignore and conceal it. Their treatment of the applicant and his family blatantly contradicts everything they claim to be against on their DSBN websites.

F.17 All school boards should strive to have their employees, students and parents voices be heard. It is the voice of the DSBN that does not shows readiness to communicate and allow others to share their opinions regarding areas that could use improvement. These individuals voices are done voluntary and they share constructive ideas to the school boards, which should show support, willingness to listen, learn and adapt successful change from within.

F.18 However, the applicant’s parents were unable to find ANY examples of ANY DSBN employee expressing dissatisfaction or disagreement with the Organizational Whiteness activities that are carried out on a regular basis at DSBN.

F.19 Imagine that there are approximately 5,000 employees at the DSBN and not a single employee has ever stood up to call attention to the obvious that was happening. Despite the scores of tales from parents, news outlets and organizations that highlight this exact issue daily. Not a single DSBN employee ever chose to raise their voice and express concern about it, not even anonymously.

F.20 That makes it very clear that the DSBN workforce either didn’t care because they were only after their paychecks. Or they did not realize what was going on around them. Which at that time would begs the question of how well they can carry out their duties, given that they can’t even recognize the most overtly racist acts against racialized individuals that was playing up in front of therm.

F.21 It is rather safe to presume that DSBN personnel are not village idiots and that they have a decent understanding of reality and the outside world. It is probably pretty evident that the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki need to employee what we would assume to be educated employees. So this means that the educated DSBN culture/their employees decided to deliberately choose to ignore what was happening right in front of them every day!