– Part 53 –

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Discussion: Mary Anne Gage Email – October 18, 2022

53.1 Later that same day on October 18, 2022 after the parents requested a copy of their son’s student file so they could study the content in it. Mary Anne Gage took advantage of this moment to once more reiterate how their son was not suspend from school and was welcomed to return now with no stipulations.

From: Mary Anne Gage maryanne.gage@dsbn.org
Date: October 18, 2022

“I did want to take this opportunity to again share that your son has not been suspended, he is welcome back to Connaught and we would like to move forward in a manner that supports your son to be successful at school…”

53.2 Remember when Jacqueline Ravazzolo found a sudden ally in Kevin Maddalena? The same Kevin Maddalena who was willing to fabricate a lie and claim that he and Jacqueline Ravazzolo where present together at a meeting with the applicant a year earlier.

53.3 The same Kevin Maddalena that deliberately and totally ignored the parents numerous requests for some clarification on his role during this same meeting that he was imaginarily at over a year ago! And then suddenly and very unexpectedly, out of thin blue air, a year later Kevin Maddalena decided to start defending his boss Jacqueline Ravazzolo in an effort to cast doubt on the Black 12-year-old child/students account of her racist and bias behavior.

53.4 And now it seems that Kevin Maddalena is now being rewarded by his supervisor Mary Anne Gage with an email that is meant to defend his inappropriate gossip and slanderous behavior as being okay, in exchange for his previous loyalty to his boss Jacqueline Ravazzolo.

53.5 Mary Anne Gage announces suddenly and very unexpectedly, after the email was sent to Kevin Maddalena about his inappropriate behavior. That the applicant is now welcomed back to Connaught Public School. And that there is no more need or desire for the “MUST OCCUR” meeting required, and that she and Jacqueline Ravazzolo wish not to proceed with this matter any longer!

53.6 One thing that is be interesting is how Kevin Maddalena came to know the day prior that the applicant can return to school without having to have the mandatory “MUST OCCUR” meeting with Jacqueline Ravazzolo?

53.7 It is clear that on October 8, 2023, Kevin Maddalena is gossiping with students about the applicant when he is at work, where he is supposed to be teaching children rather than gossiping with them.

53.8 The parents immediately replied to Mary Anne Gage’s email, asking for more details on the unexpected change of heart and their stance regarding their son’s return to school.

53.9 The applicant was not permitted to go back to school the day before or even that day, according to the circumstances. But because Kevin Maddalena lie made it public, the parents learned about it. Mary Anne Gage made the quick, unique, and unexpected offer for the applicant to return to school with no conditions attached in an effort to put out the fire that Kevin Maddalena had sparked.

53.10 It is very clear that the offer for the parents’ son to return to school would not have occurred if Kevin Maddalena had not spread the untruth and the parents had not learned of it. Because nothing occurs or is happening would have suddenly caused the DSBN and Mary Anne Gage to reverse their decision to deny the applicant permission to attend school.

53.11 Mary Anne Gage needed to help Kevin Maddalena avoid the embarrassment of getting caught and needed to put an end to the questions about his behavior. And because of this, the offer was only made by the DSBN, Mary Anne Gage to help Kevin Maddalena save face.

To: maryanne.gage@dsbn.org
Date: October 18, 2022

Why is our son allowed back at school suddenly? Clearly in the email sent by the liar, Mrs. J. Ravazzolo, which you were attached to. She says in no uncertain words “This meeting must occur before your son can return to school.”

Please explain to me what has changed in this situation as our son has not and will not speak to anyone from the DSBN about anything relating to the incident with the bully Hunter?

Seems kind of odd since I just sent you an email about his teacher telling students that he can come to school and has choose not to despite being told he is not welcomed as the ” meeting must occur before your son can return to school.”

As you refuse to give me the teacher name that called the liar about his phone in retaliation for going to file with the HRTO.
The gentleman’s name is Mr. S. Masterson. It is amazing how our son’s class is willing to help him during these times.

53.12 There was never a response offered as to their sudden change of heart on the matter.

53.13 The next day on October 19, 2023 the applicant returned to school. He did so reluctantly and opposed the idea of having to go back to Kevin Maddalena’s classroom. But the idea of being able to play with his friend’s was a large part of his motivation to return.