– Part 57 –

The Plan Was Always to Keep The Applicant Out Of Connaught Public School At All Cost!
Discussion: Mary Anne Gage Emails – November4, 2023 – December 13, 2022

57.1 Only one week after the parents ran out of options and decided that they needed to remove their son from the poisonous environment created by Kevin Maddalena in his classroom and the dangerous conditions at Connaught Public School until certain issues were dealt with appropriately.

57.2 Unexpectedly Mary Anne Gage sent the parents a random and unexpected email with suggestions to get their son back into school—just not at Connaught Public School.

57.3 This email should have been similar the mandated email as what SHOULD HAVE BEEN sent when the applicant was suspended/expelled for 12 days without cause or justification by the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo.

57.4 The applicant’s parents thought it was very suspicious that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage now cared so much about their son’s education and wanted to get him back into a school right away. However when they were mandated to do this before, it is obvious that they did not give a two-shits about the idea!

From: Mary Anne Gage maryanne.gage@dsbn.org
Dated: November 4, 2022

“Hello, I wanted to reach out to provide you with some options to support our son’s learning as he has not been in school since last Friday. First and foremost, your son is welcome at Connaught School, however I do understand your reluctance and realize this may not be a solution at this time as we have not been able to work through the concerns that are in front of us. With this in mind, I would like to offer you some choice to support your son with continuing his learning:

• Schoolwork from his current classroom could be available for pick up at the school or sent via email
• Instructional Outreach (between 5-10 hours per week of instructional support)
• Discuss an alternate school location

I am prepared to work together on any of the above options that you may consider. Please let me know if you require any more information. I look forward to your thoughts.”

57.5 Mary Anne Gage states “First and foremost, the applicant is welcome at Connaught School; However, I do understand your hesitation and realize this may not be a solution at this time as we have not been able to work through the concerns that are in front of us,”

57.6 So why have the parties not been able to “work through the concerns that are in front of us?”

57.7 Because the only “concerns” that have been raised are the ones by the parents that THEY have refuse to address. And the “concerns” by this time were the racist, bias and discriminatory actions of that by the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena.

57.8 Mary Anne Gage once more places another “however” attached. “First and foremost, your son is welcome at Connaught School, However, I do understand your hesitation and realize this may not be a solution at this time as we have not been able to work through the concerns that are in front of us.”

57.9 Do you understand the goal that Mary Anne Gage is pursuing here? She is now trying to use the same strategy that Kevin McInnis was setting himself up with back on October 26, 2021 (Part 35.2)

From: Christopher McInnis chris.mcinnis@dsbn.org
Dated: October 26, 2021

As far as moving your son to a different classroom teacher, we will not be doing that…

57.10 Mary Anne Gage is aware that the applicant’s parents are comfortable with their son remaining at home until matters are resolved.

57.11 So with this knowledge the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo are going to try and use it to their advantage.

57.12 Recall how Kevin Maddalena backed and supported the concept of an applicant doing homeschool back on September 20, 2021.

57.13 Remember how he made absolutely no attempt to persuade the applicant’s parents that homeschooling should only be a last resort for educating children.

57.14 The reason why Kevin Maddalena pushed the idea of the applicant enrolling in the home school program and giving them a phone number was to begin the process of removing their son from his class.

57.15 “We enjoy the applicant’s contributions in the classroom and he has made a great addition this year. If you continue to feel strongly about the opportunity to Homeschool your son this year, we will support you in this choice. If you have any questions about the process involved in switching to Homeschooling, please reach out to the office at (905) 682-6609.”

57.16 In addition, the applicant was suspended/expelled for 12 days by the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo without cause or explanation. And despite the fact that it is mandatory after five days to offer “some choice to support your son with continuing his learning.” And no one from the DSBN at that time made any attempt to do it.

57.17 It is abundantly clear to everyone why they decided against making the above offer at that time. Because the registration of the applicant in the homeschool program now would require parental consent in order for these recommendations to be implemented.

57.18 And since the parents certainly were not going to be bullied into consenting during these 12 days. The first inquiry by the homeschool program coordinator would have been, if the parents did not request this. How did we get to this point of the child/student trying to be registered? And resulting in the homeschool coordinator undoubtedly asking the parents – Than who is trying to enroll your son into the homeschool program?

57.19 Which would result in the applicant’s parents explaining the situation and ultimately having these racist offenders defend and explain the applicant’s unjustified 12-day suspension/expulsion to a potential impartial third party outside of this tight-knit group of conspirators of Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena.

57.20 To put it another way, they run the risk of being exposed by an unbiased third party for not only covering up Jacqueline Ravazzolo’s racist behavior but, also for the purposeful protection that everyone involved gave her.And for this reason neither the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage, Jacqueline Ravazzolo nor Kevin Maddalena tried to make these identical proposals back at that time the applicant was suspend/expelled unjustly for 12 days. They did not want to deal with the risk or the consequences of being discovered. So let the sleeping dog lie!

57.21 So here we have the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage throwing out options on how to keep the applicant out of Connaught Public School and away from Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena.

57.22 Again it has ONLY been ONE week since the parents had to remove their son from the poisonous atmosphere of Kevin Maddalena classroom, and the best that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage can do is “offer” the parents three solutions that keep their son out of Connaught Public School and away from Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena.

57.23 Option One

  • “First and foremost, your son is welcome at Connaught School”

57.24 And still Mary Anne Gage still believes it was a fantastic idea and in the applicant best interest they will leave the applicant with a Kevin Maddalena who had;

  • Obviously never shown any interest in seeing him succeed.
  • Actually going out of his way to poison their relationship.
  • Refused to assist the applicant in his efforts of trying to improve his writing skills so he could get better confidence and grades.
  • Claimed bogus “Equity Issues” to prevent the applicant from maintain school work parity with the rest of the class.
  • Implied the applicant was a liar in an attempt to throw a 12-year-old Black applicant under the bus in an attempt to protect Jacqueline Ravazzolo and her career from her own racist actions.

57.25 So why would the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage propose Kevin Maddalena as a remedy?

57.26 Option Two

  • “Schoolwork from his current classroom could be available for pick up at the school or sent via email”

57.27 Mary Anne Gage is well aware of the toxic relationship that Kevin Maddalena fostered with the applicant when he lied a year later in an effort to protect Jacqueline Ravazzolo for her racist behavior when dealing with the Caucasian bully Marcus.

57.28 The same Kevin Maddalena, who had earlier in the school year said he would help the applicant acquire extra work to take home, and then opted against doing so. Was now more than eager enough to go the extra mile to send work home in order to keep the applicant from having to re-enter his classroom again.

57.29 Kevin Maddalena is now willing to make every effort necessary to give the applicant work to complete at home EVERYDAY. And it appears that except for the applicant and his parents, this seems to be quite convenient and advantageous for all other parties.

57.30 This is really noteworthy and convenient that a month earlier, Kevin Maddalena was adamant and unwilling to provide the applicant with even one page of additional schoolwork relating to what they were doing in class. But he was now well-prepared to scan and email the parents the entire days worth of work from his class EVERYDAY! Which would undoubtedly include some correspondence with instructions that he would have to type out for the parents and their son to understand what needed to be completed and turned back in for marking.

57.31 Additionally, this stark contrast in his behavior would require Kevin Maddalena to additional mark the applicant work EVERDAY when it was finished and returned through email or dropped off. It’s incredible how Kevin Maddalena was suddenly prepared to put in so much extra work and effort to keep the applicant on pace with the rest of his class as LONG AS HE WAS NOT IN IT!

57.32 It is evident that the thought of not having the Black applicant back in his class served as Kevin Maddalena’s ONLY motivation and driving force to sit down and complete all of this additional work EVERYDAY. Does any really believe that Kevin Maddalena suddenly became concerned about the applicant’s educational needs after previously refusing to assist him with help on more than once occasion?

57.33 This is the same Kevin Maddalena who refused to let the applicant complete his schoolwork at home because of “equity issues” because he had access to the internet and a support system at could assist him if needed. Kevin Maddalena claimed that because of this, other students were at a disadvantage and the applicant was therefore ineligible for any help even from his teacher.

57.34 The same teacher, Kevin Maddalena, who claims the applicant to be one of his best students and a role model, was willing to suddenly imply that the applicant lied about his recollection of events with Jacqueline Ravazzolo in order to help shield her from responsibility for her racist and discriminatory behavior.

57.35 It is obvious that Kevin Maddalena never had any interest in assisting the applicant in learning and was unconcerned with how the applicant was being treated by Connaught Public School students and staff.

57.36 So why then would the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage propose Kevin Maddalena as a remedy? Kevin Maddalena is part of the problem and explanation for the applicant’s absence from school.

57.37 Kevin Maddalena specifically fabricated a lie to defend Jacqueline Ravazzolo, and the applicant is aware of the fabrication because he was present at the same meeting that Kevin Maddalena was not! The applicant is well aware that Kevin Maddalena refuses to assist him when he reaches out for help. So why again would the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage propose Kevin Maddalena as a remedy?

57.38 Option Three

  • “Instructional Outreach (between 5-10 hours per week of instructional support)”

57.39 Here is the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage making another effort to keep the applicant out of DSBN school system. The idea is weak, but the undertone is cunning. If you have any doubt as on the intent of this option, Option Three will answer them.

57.40 Option Four

  • “Discuss an alternate school location”

57.41 That’s it. If we transfer the Black child/student to another school the issue will go away, just like it did with Marcus a year earlier!

57.42 To ask a student to transfer to a different school outside of their own district seems pretty excessive. To ask a student to leave all his friends behind and try and start over again after over three years seems pretty excessive, especially when all the parents kept requesting was a simple and better detail recollection of what transpired and what was said between their son and Jacqueline Ravazzolo from a year earlier.

57.43 And how did the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage imagine the applicant would go to his new school every day? Was the DSBN going to get his own exclusive bus every day or was it going to be the total responsibility of the parents to get him there?

57.44 What guarantees did the applicant’s parents have that such racist and discriminatory actions would not occur again in a new school?

57.45 It is pretty obvious from the perspective of the teachers that any Black child/student who is entering their new school, who called out a racist principal like Jacqueline Ravazzolo on her racist behavior. Is going to have their story spread like wildfire via gossip throughout any DSBN institutional whiteness schools, including the new one the applicant is attending. Because at some point someone will eventually have to know why they are admitting a student from outside their own district into their school?

57.46 Let’s reiterate that these options were never presented to the applicant’s parents when the applicant was wrongfully suspended/expelled for 12 days by the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo.

57.47 Here only seven days after the parents removed their son from Connaught Public School to protect him. The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage are now gladly suggesting ways to keep the applicant out of Connaught Public school and the DSBN school system.

57.48 And if the parents had decided to put aside their fears and let their son return, the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage had taken steps to make the experience as unpleasant as possible. Similar to Christopher McInnis who was more than comfortable with the idea of keeping the applicant with a teacher who, despite his best efforts to learn, deliberately worked to obstruct his learning progress.

57.49 A month had now passed and on November 30, 2022 Mary Anne Gage is suddenly again VERY concerned as the applicant has not been in school since October 28 ” And during these 26 days Mary Anne Gage still NEVER made any effort to get in touch with the parents to try to resolve their “concerns.”

From: Mary Anne Gage maryanne.gage@dsbn.org
Dated: November 30, 2022

Hello, As I mentioned in my previous email the conversation lasted a couple of minutes. To put a number value to this, approximately 2-3 minutes. We are very concerned as the applicant has not been in school since October 28th. In my previous email I did provide some short-term learning options for the applicant as he is legally expected to attend school.

Recognizing the options suggested were not well received; I would like to suggest another possible option, online learning.

This would allow the applicant to continue his learning with peers online at home while we continue to work through the concerns that have been brought forward. Please let me know if this is a viable option for you and your family.

57.50 Option Five

  • “I would like to suggest another possible option, online learning.”

57.51 And once more Mary Anne Gage has now added yet another suggestion to the offers of resolution. This time, the suggestion is for the applicant to pursue online schooling. By using this method, the applicant again would still be kept out of Connaught Public School and the DSBN school system.

57.52 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage are not eager or are willing to provide a “solution” that would get the applicant back in Connaught Public School. And by not offering and ignoring any solution to alleviate the parents concerns. The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage are able to label the applicant’s parents of being difficult and unreasonable.

57.53 These offers where just empty gesture/lip service on the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage part so they can appear to be concerned about the applicant’s schooling. Because their initial offer made on November 4, 2022, did not turn out as they had hoped.

57.54 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage hoped that the parents would at least select the new alternative that had been presented to them, possibly putting an end to this situation. They reasoned that since the first four possibilities had not gone as planned, they had nothing to lose by trying a fifth one and seeing where that led them.

57.55 Let us also note that the parents DO NOT HAVE ANY legal expectation to send their children to school in Ontario. Parents are free to homeschool their children without any legal interface from the judicial system or school boards. So clearly the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage are trying to perpetuate this lie in an attempt to intimidate, scare and bully the parents in cooperating with them and possibly putting an end to their predicament.

57.56 By insinuating that the applicant has a legal obligation to be in school. The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage tried to perpetuate this lie in an attempt to pressure the parents into complying with her demands once again. It appears that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage were implying that they would have to carry out the enforcement of this legal right. There was absolutely no justification or need to bringing up this subject other than an attempt to try and scare and bully the parents into complying out of fear.

57.57 Unbelievably, another 14 days pass, December 14, 2022 and the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage once more make an attempt to offer the parents the same four options. The amount of work the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage are putting into trying to keep the applicant out of Connaught Public School and the DSBN school system is astounding.

57.58 When Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo unjustly and discriminatorily suspended/expelled the applicant for 12 days from school, it was clear that they never made any effort. However now the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage was prepared to offer so many “solutions” as a result of the parents decision to withdraw their son from school.

From: Mary Anne Gage maryanne.gage@dsbn.org
Dated: December 13, 2022

Hello, I am following up from my two previous emails regarding the short term learning options that have been suggested for the applicant and to again express concern that the applicant has not been in school since October 28th. Below are the options that have been suggested:

• Returning to Connaught School – the applicant is always welcome to return to his home school
• Looking for an alternate school within the DSBN – we can together explore options that are in close proximity to your home

• Instructional Outreach – where the applicant would receive approximately 5 hours of individual learning with a certified DSBN teacher

• Attending the DSBN online school – where the applicant would continue his learning with peers online at home
Any of these options would allow the applicant to continue his learning while we work through the concerns that have been brought forward. Please let me know if you require any further information or would like to discuss these further.

57.59 Let’s take note that Kevin Maddalena is no longer being recommended as a solution by the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, and Mary Anne Gage. It looks that someone explained the matter to them all and they wisely decided to rule it out as a possibility.

57.60 What is also amazing is that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage state “Any of these options would allow the applicant to continue his learning while we work through the concerns that have been brought forward. Please let me know if you require any further information or would like to discuss these further.”

57.61 Again what exactly has the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki or Mary Anne Gage done up until this point in time to “work through the concerns that have been brought forward?”

57.62 How exactly have any of them “worked through” the parents concerns that they “brought forward” when all they have done when they respond is provided ambiguous, sparse and carefully chosen details that only serve to create further questions and protect racist employees? At no point in time has the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage ever offered anything other than their regurgitated vague explanations of the events.